Farringdon Station, The Heart of Crossrail, sneak-peek behind the scenes

Six months before it will open for use by the public we got a look at the western end of Crossrail’s Farringdon Station. When if fully opens in 2019 it will become the Elizabeth Line.

Sounds Like London to promote musicians and venues across London

Sounds Like London to promote musicians and venues across London

How I Find and Choose What Goes in My Guides (and How I Make Them)

I spend many hours a week researching places to try around London, and then testing them out, to offer you the best of the best of things to do, see, eat and drink in The Local Guide to London. I explain my research process, how testing happens, how I use the Digital Map every day, and more.

Finding love on YouTube – BBC News

Australian YouTuber Anitha Kannan posted videos about her social anxiety online. Ian Chalmers, in the UK, saw the videos and felt so moved by them that he decided to send her a video response. They began chatting over the phone and their relationship blossomed from there.

What is Talk London?

Talk London is a space where you can have your say on London’s big issues. The Talk London team gather your opinions to help steer the policy decisions of the future – on housing, the environment, transport, safety, jobs and the economy. We’re aiming to create the conditions in which all Londoners can thrive, and that’s why we ask you to register to take part. It’s important that we know who we’re hearing from so that we can aim to make sure all sections of London’s population are represented. Join in and have your say. https://www.london.gov.uk/talk-london/

Егати държавата, щом това е елитът!

Бившите управляващи от ГЕРБ нададоха силен вой, че служебният кабинет сменя хора на ключови позиции. Отстранените масово обясняват как са работили в интерес на страната и наричат „реваншизъм“ свалянето им от високи постове. На доскорошния премиер Бойко Борисов, който сам се сравняваше с Тодор Живков, 2021-ва му се видя като 1944-та.  Шефът на ДАНС си тръгна, след като изчезна в 4 месечен отпуск при идването на служебното правителство на власт, но отказа да признае това за саботаж на новата власт. Главният секретар на МВР, който допусна полицейски побой над протестиращи през лятото на 2020 година, също се изживява като репресиран. Новата власт смени и Георги Терзийски, когото от управител на предприятие за метални изделия ГЕРБ направи шеф на АПИ. Или иначе казано – „глашатая“ на Бойко Борисов. Сред най-гласовитите са „калинките“ на ГЕРБ. Сменената шефка на Агенцията за инвестиции е взета без конкурс от администрацията, но няма доведен чуждестранен инвеститор. Придвидливо, обаче, си е пазила три години топлото място в Държавен фонд „Земеделие“. По примера на други бивши заместник-министри на ГЕРБ. Надзорниците на Българската банка за развитие бойкотираха срещата с министъра на икономиката Кирил Петков, който разкри, че 1 млрд лева държавни са дадени на 8 големи фирми. След разкритието, че НАП е отписала 10 милиарда лева несъбрани задължения известната с теча на данни бивша шефка на Агенцията Галя Димитрова нагло обясни, че тези пари е нямало как да бъдат събрани.  Това е само част от „елита“ на нацията, за който Бойко Борисов се притеснява.  И по стар навик вади призраци от гардероба, за да плаши.

I haven’t paid enough tax. What should I do?

The final video in a short series from HMRC about the tax calculation (also known as the P800) letter which is used to deal with under or over payments of tax. This video explains what to do if your tax calculation shows that you have not paid enough tax. You can also view your Personal Tax Account by visiting https://www.gov.uk/personal-tax-account

What if the Whales Could Save Us?

Can whales help cool the temperature of our planet? A whale’s body can store up to 33 tonnes of harmful carbon dioxide. When they die and sink to the ocean floor, all that carbon is stored there for centuries. The International Monetary Fund has calculated that each whale is worth more than two million dollars and are “irreplaceable in mitigating and building resilience to climate change”.

What is a tax calculation?

The first in a short series of HMRC videos about the tax calculation (also known as the P800) letter which is used to deal with under or over payments of tax. This video explains what a tax calculation letter is and how it is used.

Why does my tax calculation say I have two employments?

The third in a short series of HMRC videos about the tax calculation (also known as the P800) letter which is used to deal with under or over payments of tax. This video explains why your tax calculation might show that you have two employments.


COVID-19: Prime Minister optimistic over ending England’s restrictions

Boris Johnson says there is ‘nothing conclusive’ to say the ending of COVID-19 restrictions will be delayed. The PM said “we will know a lot more in a few days’ time” amid fears that rising cases of the Indian variant could push back the roadmap out of lockdown. Restrictions in England could be lifted on 21 June under current government proposals.

Covid: How would forcing UK arrivals to quarantine work? | ITV News

The prime minister says the government is “actively looking” at plans to quarantine airline passengers travelling to the UK. Arrivals would have to stay in designated hotels at their own cost, and that’s likely to apply to British nationals too. A decision is due to be made on Tuesday. Our UK Editor Paul Brand reports from Manchester on how it could work.